One of the main goals of Pros-Eleusis is the design and development of an innovative application for mobile devices that provides personalized tours to visitors of Eleusis and, consequently, enhances their experience.
The dialogue with the end-users
The rapid progress in mobile devices and wireless GPS has unleashed a broad spectrum of emerging mobile applications that are used to navigate tourists in cities, museums and cultural heritage sites.
Pros-Eleusis envisions to go beyond state of the art ICT solutions both by adopting personalization elements to enhance end-user’s experience and by following a bottom-up approach in the designing and implementation phases, which will be based on ongoing dialogue with all potential users, like the authors of the experiences, but also the visitors of Eleusis.
The first months of Pros-Eleusis
In the first stage of this continuous dialogue, the team of ATHENA RC researchers works on the selection of end-users’ requirements and the development of the theoretical background for the design of Pros-Eleusis software, which will include all the necessary functionalities both to the creators of ecomuseums and to the visitors in a way that their real requirements are met.
The first months of the project, therefore, were devoted to the following:
- The definition of the Ecomuseum approach and the study of existing ecomuseums across Europe and worldwide. This will give us the necessary background and best practices examples based on which we will design the Ecomuseum of Eleusis.
- The creation and dissemination of a questionnaire to collect the requirements of potential users, emphasizing on the different needs of each visitor.
Expected results
The study of the literature and the analysis of the questionnaire responses will be the main components of the Deliverable 1.1 Users requirements and technical specifications. This deliverable will feed the team of the project’s software developers from ATHENA RC and CITE with valuable information to design the application of Pros-Eleusis.
We are confident that our methodology for the requirements’ collection and the specifications’ definition will successfully lead us to capture the real needs of potential end-users. ATHENA RC has successfully adopted this approach in a number of similar research projects in the past, such as CHESS, EMOTIVE, 3D-ICONS, ARIADNE, PRESIOUS, COSCH, CORECT, Virtual Guide, and others.
Stay tuned in the coming months to learn about the results of this activity!